Swivel seats are the ideal solution for a person with a mobility issue. They enable a passenger or driver to sit comfortably in the front of a car and are often an alternative to sitting in the back of a wheelchair accessible van.
The only drawback with swivel seats is that they don’t work for everyone. In our experience, for every three people we meet looking at a swivel seat to help them access a vehicle, only one is actually suited to it.
For this reason alone, at Ergomobility we have only ever fitted a swivel seat if the person has had a full demonstration and assessment by us or, someone trusted by us.
It may surprise you to know that a common reason for an early termination or returned vehicle on the Motability Scheme is the selling of a swivel seat to someone who mistakenly thought it would solve their access issues; a belief that was unchallenged due to there being no demonstration, or the wrong advice given by their adaptation specialist.
So, it’s good news that under Motability it is compulsory for anyone buying a swivel seat on the Online Scheme to have had a demonstration carried out by the adaptation company.
Although this is not necessarily your responsibility, it certainly puts you in a very good light if you can ensure your customer speaks to the right adaptation company; one with experience and expertise in the complex area of swivel seats. The last thing you want is a customer returning their vehicle because they weren’t given the correct advice.
Not all Adaptation Specialists have swivel seat expertise. We do, so don’t hesitate to give us a call for advice.
Please click here to see further product information on our website.