As time marches on, the vehicle adaptation industry is continually developing better ways of helping disabled drivers. Arguably one of the oldest types of adaptations is hand controls. These allow disabled drivers to control the accelerator and brake pedals via a system of levers mounted below the steering wheel.
So what are the different types of hand controls?
Push/pull hand controls
The standard push/pull controls are a very simple set of levers attached to the car’s accelerator and brake pedals and fitted to one side of the steering wheel. All a driver needs to do is pull towards themselves to go and push away from themselves to stop.
Radial hand or push/right angle controls
Radial or push/right angle hand controls provide an alternative solution for drivers who struggle to grip with their hands. Similar to push/pull controls, drivers will still control the brake by pushing a lever away from themselves. However, the accelerator is now operated at right angles to the brake by pushing the lever down towards the floor of the vehicle.
Because the lever can be pressed downwards using any part of the hand, no grip is required. These controls can also help to alleviate shoulder pain that can be experienced by some drivers following prolonged periods of driving with push/pull controls.
Floor-mounted push/pull hand controls 
For drivers who struggle to hold their arms up for long periods, there is the option of the floor-mounted push/pull hand controls. These are operated by pushing and pulling a lever attached to the floor on the left side of the driver.
Again, the brake is operated by pushing away while the accelerator is engaged by pulling inwards towards the driver. With the operating hand sitting much lower next to the driver’s thigh, there is less strain on the arm and shoulder. It can also make getting in and out of the vehicle easier due to the positioning of the controls compared to some other systems.
With all of these systems, the vehicle can still be driven using the pedals if desired as they are not affected and remain intact.
Why choose Ergomobility?
Ergomobility is an independent adaptations specialist, which means that we have no ties to any specific manufacturers. We only ever select our products based on quality and performance and always choose adaptations that are right for our customers. This is why we use ‘Discreet Hand Controls’ wherever possible because we understand the benefits that they offer to our customers.
What are discreet hand controls
With these systems, the metal rods are largely hidden, which is not only aesthetically far more pleasing than having them on show, but also makes entering and exiting the vehicle much easier without banging the knees.
There are various types of mechanical hand controls out there, so if you can’t find what you are looking for, contact us to discuss your requirements.